We sell all our products directly here:
*St Roch market in Mont-de-Marsan
Every Saturday morning we are at the St Roch market in Mont-de-Marsan. When we are on tour, it is Nathalie and Valérie who replace us.
Be nice to our favorite usher Bertrand Destruhaut when you ask where we are, he doesn't look like that but he is nice :)
*At the Farm: (by appointment only!)
Because of our work on the farm and the autarkic system we cannot receive all the time, so ask for an appointment by contacting us via this site. We can show you around the farm and its system but only by appointment.
*At Colette Remazeilles @ Domaine de la Tuilerie in Lannemaignan.
Colette is our long-time friend and partner with whom we share the same values and visions. She produces an exceptional bas armagnac. We sell some of her products but go see her directly.
*Cocagne Grocery @ Mont-de-Marsan
Philippe is the only one to sell our products in Mont-de-Marsan.
*The Pannier de Chalosse @ Hagetmau
Hervé -former rugby player- will welcome you in his superb store.